Trying To Shoot From Different Angle
Sometimes changing the angle you frame makes your photograph look more interesting. As we all know, composition is the most important factor in photography, and we have to work on it hard to get a better and better result every time we take a shot. Sometimes we try to apply the Rule of Thirds (which is an important photography concept), and sometimes we try to arrange the objects in the photo in a triangle as we frame the shot or adjust the horizon while shooting beautiful landscapes. There are also times when none of these composition rules work well, and you just shoot with your imagination, and it turns out to be one of your best shots. People who know these rules also know how to avoid them, when that approach works best in the present situation. They first learn the rules and then try to break them. Recently, When I was touring from east coast to mid west region, I was driving somewhere between Indianapolis and Chicago. I was tired of continuous driving and thinking of taking an exit somewhere in the nearest rest area. In the mean-time, I saw a beautiful landscape with a gorgeous sunset through my rear view mirror. Without thinking much, I pulled my car off the road, took my camera out and snapped multiple sunset shots. When I did an instant review of those photographs in the LCD screen, I feel I had only produced a pretty common sunset shot. I then tried to think about shooting with different angles and framing other objects in the frame as well. The sun was going down really fast and I couldn't think any more about my next frame. After few minutes, I saw a 18 wheeler coming from far away, and I imagined framing it inside and took a shot. When I played back that shot, I found it very interesting.
Sunset somewhere in the mid-west
I don't know if you agree with me or not but I find this picture very interesting with the angles created by pull-off area and road lines with giant 18 wheeler truck framed inside. Whenever I see this photo, I feel like I am still there trying to think of another way to capture this beautiful sunset.